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最后更新: 2020-07-31 09:38
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纸机上浆系统/ Approach System Of Paper Machine

用 途:


安德里兹——奥斯龙纸机上浆系统能为纸机流浆箱提供稳定的浆料浓度和压力,使网部的脱水和纸页匀度得到改善,从而使纸机的 运行性更好,提高纸品质量。我公司使用安德里兹-奥斯龙许可协议转让的技术,有能力提供全套上浆系统,满足泵送、筛选、除渣和除 气方面的所有需要。


浆料用白水稀释并被泵送到分成几段的TC132除渣器。末尾段除渣器的稀释水建议使用固形物含量低的水——比如来自吸水箱密封 坑或白水过滤机的水。这样可以大大减少末尾段除渣器的数量。

来自除渣器的良浆通过若干喷管送入Ensovoc脱气器器顶形成小滴,并在器壁上形成一层浆的薄膜。器体中的绝对压力接近浆料的 沸腾压力。由于高真空和浆料的冲撞,可以有效地将空气从浆料中分离除去,并通过纳氏真空泵从罐中排出。

除气后的浆料通过重力作用流到低脉冲浆泵,并通过纸机网前筛送到纸机流浆箱。流浆箱上浆管的旁通浆料返回到脱气器。脱气器 通过溢流保持液位稳定,为低脉冲浆泵提供了一个恒定抽吸压头,使得流浆箱内的压力得以稳定。


The Andritze-ahlstrom approach system of paper machine is an optimal combination for removing impurities and air from the stock.

The Andritze-Ahlstrom approach system of paper machine provides stock with steady consistency and pressure into the headbox, improves dewatering and sheet formation on the wire section and better runability of the paper and board machine as well as improves quality of the paper.

Licensed by Andritze-Ahlstrom, Fujian Light Industry Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd. now offers the whole approach system for all pumping, screening, cleaning and deaeration needs.

Design Features:

The stock is diluted with water from white water tank and pumped into several stages of the T132 cleaner. Water

with low solids contents-for instance from seal pit of suction box or saveall filter is recommended to be used for dilution in the last stage. In this way, the number of cleaners can greatly reduced in the last stage.

The plant accepts from the cleaner are conveyed into the Ensovoc deaeration tank through several jet pipes. The stock jets hit the tank roof and torn small droplets and a thin stock film on the tank walls. Absolute pressure in

the tank is kept at a level near the boiling pressure of the stock. Due to high vacuum and collision of the stock, the air is efficiently detached from the stock and removed from the tank by Nash vacuum pumps.

The deaeration stock flows by gravitation to the pump and is pumped into the paper machine headbox through prenet screens. By-stock in the pipe of the headbox returns to the deaeration tank. The liquid level in the deaeration tank is kept constant through overfalling in order to provide a invariable suction head for the low pulse pulp as well as stabilize the pressure in the headbox.


1  ZCE系列(Ensovoc) 脱气器                ZCE Series (Ensovoc) Deaerator

2  ZSC62系列(TC132) 离心除渣器       ZSC 62 Series Centrifugal Cleaner(Tc132)

 3  ZSM系列(M型) 低脉冲网前筛       ZSM Series Low Pulse Approach Screen

 4 ZSL系列尾渣筛                                   ZSL Series Rejects Screen

 5 低脉冲浆泵                                          Low Pulse Pulp Pump

 6 离心浆泵                                               Centrifugal Pump

 7 真空泵                                                   Vacuum Pump

 8 白水槽                                                     White Water Tank

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