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Voith Hydro Shanghai sets up PSP unit delivery system

发布日期:2021-01-12   来源:福伊特

●Standardized and lean production modes have led to excellent quality and earlier deliveries of key components

●Reliable technologies and outstanding project execution allowed Voith Hydro to win customers'high recognition

On January 11th,2021,Voith Hydro Shanghai(VHS)has completed the manufacturing of six pump-turbine runners for the Changlongshan and Tianchi pumped storage plant(PSP).Witnessed by VHS representatives,these runners will be delivered to the project site for erection and commissioning ahead of schedule.

In recent years,Voith Hydro has leveraged its cutting-edge pumped storage expertise and excellent project execution competencies to supply a long list of hydropower equipment for PSP projects in China and abroad.As an example,Hongping Pumped Storage Power Station in Jiangxi Province,4 units of turbines、generators as well as BoP facilities were supplied by Voith Hydro,and was awarded the 2018/19 Golden Award for China National Superior Quality Projects.

Hongping PSP–winner of Golden Award for China National Superior Quality Projects

Reliable technologies and outstanding project execution allowed Voith Hydro to have successfully won several PSP projects.VHS is now working on 22 PSP units,including engineering,purchasing and manufacturing,for the Changlongshan project in Zhejiang,Tianchi project in Henan,Qingyuan project in Liaoning,Xiamen project in Fujian and Snowy 2.0 project in Australia.The multiple projects under execution demonstrated our customers’high recognition of Voith Hydro’s PSP technical strength and reliability and set great challenges on VHS’s manufacturing and delivery capabilities.

To address these challenges,Voith Hydro has taken several actions.At the engineering stage,the engineers target similar PSP projects worldwide to draw on our comprehensive global experience,this helps to optimize the design of awarded projects.On behalf of quality management,Voith Hydro performs full-process quality control,from raw materials inspection,outsourcing to in-house manufacturing.At the Voith Hydro workshop,several production-lines were built up to manage processes of fabrication,machining,and assembly for key components.This approach to standardized and lean production modes have led to excellent quality and earlier deliveries of key components like runners,spherical valves,and distributors.

“Voith Hydro is shaping a benchmark PSP equipment delivery system.based on the synergy between our global expert teams and our dedicated and experienced localized manufacturing capability,Voith Hydro is building on over a century of accumulated expertise and technologies into powerful and reliable delivery capabilities.This enables us to serve our customers with high-quality products,solutions,and services and contribute to the ongoing Chinese energy transformation.”

Mr.Chen Guoqing

Chief Operating Officer of VHS




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